Je sus (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, JCON, Apb, People Of The Cross
Forgive us O God, according to thy loving kindness, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from sin, then shall I teach transgressors thy ways and then shall sinners be converted unto the... The Lineage Of Sin, Mankind, see Psalm 51 ...then shall my eyes be open, and only then shall my ears attend to a prayer done in this manner, Loving God Of Heaven...II Chor.. 7:14, 15
See to be
seeing America, Britain going in separate directions, a voice declaring,
“America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, 06/12/2004
Seen to be
seeing the rise of the anti-Christ, as so in the heavens, a play on, with a
large meteor like rock in possession of the church bride, when upon its release
a voice declares: “This is the anti-Christ (NWO, Elite, Wealth Of The Wicked),
murderer,” the complete destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image of future
emerging nations by a stone cut out without hands (Jesus Millennium Reign)
falling from heaven on the map, Dan. 2:3-49 02/14/2015
The Revelations of Jesus Christ
given unto his Servant John, the 17th chapter, The Rise Of Two
And there came one of the seven
angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, (probably
is the seventh angel, however we actually have no way of truly knowing), saying unto
me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that
sitteth upon many waters: (the “great whore,” refers to all
religions of the world that ever has been which are devised by men as a
substitute for “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified,”; God’s Way is Christ and Him
Crucified Alone; as well, “many waters,” are a symbol for multitudes of people {Vs.
15}, JSM) {As Gabriel
announced this mankind at present as those of fulfillment, he also made mention
of a seventh Angel and I quote, "she's coming or going with the seventh angel," the Bride now ascended would've been in heaven at least seven years by this time, so it's probably, going, as in Jesus Second Return, also being announced at this time, Apb}
2 With whom the kings of the earth (the great whore, i. e. all type of religion), have committed fornication, (all
religion devised by men, and even the parts of Christianity that have been
corrupted, are labored by the Lord as spiritual fornication” {Rom. 7:1-4}),
and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her
fornication. (proclaims the doing of religion, the doing
of religion is the most powerful narcotic in the world, JSM.) {Truly so, as it's a form of worshipping gain for godliness, Apb }
3 So he (the
Angel) carried me (John) away in the spirit (a vision) into the wilderness: and I saw
a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, (every
religious effort that attempt to take the place of the cross is a spiritual
wilderness) {the intrepid dream prophecy began with me driving through a wilderness on both sides, then inconceivable innovations most fascinating and in seconds it was all over, Apb,} full of names of
blasphemy, (refers to this “woman,” opposing the plan
of God in every capacity) having seven heads and ten horns. (this pertains to the scarlet colored beast, not the
woman. “The seven heads,” represents seven Empires that persecuted Israel in
the past with the last one yet future. They are” Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo
Persia, Grecia and Rome.” The “ten
heads,” represent ten nations that will arise out of the old Roman Empire and
persecute Israel and is yet future. These ten nations make up the "seventh
head.” The Roman Empire that made up the “sixth head, was the last of the
Empires, to persecute Israel before her destruction as a nation in A. D. 70.
When the ten horn kingdom arises, which it will shortly, it will persecute
Israel as well, JSM) {I seldom speak of it, but I was carried away by the Holy Spirit into this fly over of this country where I witness major disaster from one coast to the other, one of my first visions of this, the late eighties, I was immediately reminded of Jeremiah's Lamentations, Apb}
4 And the woman was arrayed in
purple and scarlet colour, (all of this
pertains to Israel but with a carry over into the church age, the “purple” represent
the dominion of these religions over nations, with the scarlet color
representing the persecution of Israel),
and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, (these
religions have always been very rich, a case in point is Islam. Which controls
some 60% of the oil reserves of the world), having a golden cup in her hand (all of these religions have an allurement, symbolized
by this cup being golden), full
of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: (proclaims
what this cup holds, despite its outward attractiveness, JSM) {This is what I point out recently, the Great Whore I witness hand off a Leopard Skin Coat, it didn't matter that it was a loan, it didn't matter that it was of artificial fur, the only thing that mattered was it's attractiveness which carried off spiritually, mentally and wholeheartedly everyone that made it's contact, Apb}5 And upon her forehead was a name written, (the “forehead,” mean all these religions are devised by man, and not by God), Mystery, Babylon The Great (the word “mystery” separates spiritual Babylon from literal Babylon, it is “great in the eyes of the world, but not in the eyes of God”), The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. (This proclaims the actual content of this “golden cup” even though it looks wonderful on the outside. If it’s not “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified,” then it is labored by the Lord as “harlots and abominations.” Regrettably that intakes much of modern Christianity as well, JSM) {America's lives, lands and churches, doing the Death Rider vision, 1994, were all labored as abominable and detestable, having forsaken God, at the time, I knew nothing of these descriptions, Apb}.
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, (refers to these empires and their false religions, which persecuted Israel doing the New Testament times, actually up to the time of Christ), and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: (points to millions in the Church Age who gave their lives for the cause of Christ; the Roman Empire began these persecutions of Christians and was followed by the Catholic Church) and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. (John is amazed at seeing all of this, JSM)
7 And the angel said unto me,
Wherefore didst thou marvel? (The angel know
John would marvel at the scene that unfold before his eyes, and would need an
explanation) I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of
the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. {I remember right after Holy Spirits showed me the rise
of the death rider, a backward running clock, I was then told not to fret
myself, rather trust, delight and commit, "and I will bring forth thy
righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the new day," see Psalm 37, Apb}
8 The beast that thou sawest was, (represent a fallen Angels who helped the leaders of
these Empires of the past in their efforts to destroy Israel) and
is not; (was not active doing the time of John) and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, (this powerful fallen angel was confined to the bottomless
pit about 2,300 years) and go
into perdition: (means that after his escapades of helping
the Antichrist on earth he will be consigned to the Lake of Fire {20:10})
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in
the book of life from the foundation of the world, (represent
the fact all the unsaved people on earth will be startled and amazed as they
observe the Antichrist, who will do things
no other man has ever done, this will be because this fallen angel is
helping him, but of which he’s not aware ), when they behold the
beast that was, and is not, (was not
functioning doing John’s day), and yet is. (will be released out of the bottomless pit
to help the Antichrist, JSM) {Holy
Spirit showed this beast eventual release, as his prison cell deliberately gave
him his way in the late eighties, one had risen and killed millions and
another, a greater was yet to come. This 2,300 years, would count for the
duration of the Church Age beyond Christ's Cross, explained by the man in linen to the prophet Daniel
as that timetable which yet had to be fulfilled before the rise of the ten
heads, Little Horn, false peace, ect.
A timetable this selfsame Angel Gabriel forewarn
of this end time Apostle, 2004, that we were the generation of fulfillment
regarding these events. Of which would explain seeing the release of the Stone
Made Without Hands of Daniels 2th Chapt. The end of the church age, it’s
dispensation of Grace, and Reigning Apostasy unto the marriage supper.
Elevating the rebellious world along seven final years of nation building both
Islamic and Antichrist, both puppeteered
by God’s Wine Press, see, read more here, www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com,
said time clock given 190 months unto complete fulfillment, Oct. 2017, now unto
Jacob’s Trouble, of 82 months, Apb, see, read more here,
9 And here is the mind which hath
wisdom (is the mind that knows and believe the
word of God), The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the
woman sitteth (represents these seven Empires which were
controlled by false religions, i.e. “demon spirits” JSM). {Oh my God, what a tangled web of all mankind we’ve made,
praise God and Jesus for setting us all free, Kiss, this son, least he be angry
and we perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled just for a moment, let every
knee bow, let everything that hath breath praise His Holy Name, Apb}
10 And there are seven kings: (actually refers to the ten heads, speaking of the leaders
of these empires, whomever they may have been) five are fallen, (five
of the empires where fallen doing John’s Day, they were Egypt, Assyria,
Babylon, Medo/Persia and Greece) and one is, (refers
to the Roman Empire which was in existence doing John’s day and could,
therefore, be spoken of in the present tense.) and the other is not yet come (refers to the ten heads confederation symbolized by the
ten horns, which in Johns day hath not come even yet ); and when
he cometh, he must continue a short space. (The
“ten heads,” will be the seventh head and refers to the ten nations that will
arise shortly and persecute Israel, which will probably take place in the first
half of the Great Tribulation, a time span of about 3 and a half years, JSM) {this is the formation I witness come to fruition just
after the 190 months time table regarding the rise and fall of western
civilization was realized. I saw that nations of the middle east instead ruled,
meaning an Islamic Reign, with an Antichrist rule to follow, then gloriously
without ample description, the Millennium Reign of Christ and The first
Resurrected Saints, again, this stone made without hands, revised Feb, 2015, Apb}
* 11 And the beast (fallen angel), that was, and is not, even
he is the eighth, (this fallen angel will help the
Antichrist and will head up the eighth Empire to persecute Israel), and is of the seventh, (refers
to the fact he helped all the empires of the past, with the exception of Rome,
in their efforts to persecute Israel; but this fallen Angel gave the greatest
help to Alexander the Great, who headed up the Grecian Empire; we know this
because John , in his vision, said, “and the beast which I saw was like unto a
“leopard,” with that animal being one of the symbols of Ancient Greece, {Rev.
13:2, Dan. 7:6}) and goeth into perdition. (refers to the fact that irrespective of his
powers and plans, Eternal Hell will be the due of this Satanic Prince, the same
goes for Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, every fallen Angel, every
demon spirit, and in fact, all the unredeemed who have ever lived, JSM). {As I’ve testified seeing something in all likeness, both
great beast, one from land one from sea, not as yet connecting them here, just before the Obama Administration. Of
course this is more proof regarding the age of biblical prophecy we’re now in. Meaning
these two beast of which these scriptures speak and Father Swaggart interprets
are finally as prophesied for thousands of years, now among, us; that’s per
Hussein Obama’s reign. I’ve described, though I by biblical prophecy predicted a Hussein White House 2003, when I went on further in the spirit world to witness a literal world out cry for a Hussein to rise up and reign, I thought this strange seeing Saddam Hussein would soon be executed, then came Hussein Obama, with Holy Spirits revealing Senator Obama 2008, as, and I quote, “the one,” Apb}
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, (Dan. 7:7) which have received no kingdom as yet; (refers to John’s day), but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. (these ten nations will come to power before the Antichrist making up the seventh kingdom. Then they will be taken over by the Antichrist, who is referred to in Daniel as the “little horn,” {Dan. 7:8}. The “one hour,” refers to the “short space, ”the confederation of the ten kings and the Antichrist will hold together. It will last for approximately three and a half years and will be destroyed by the second coming of Christ {Dan. 2:34, 35} JSM) {Again, allowing a look into God’s throne as many times before, Feb. 2015, I saw this stone was in the possession of the Bride, that it had the surface of a meteor, I saw that as she released it, I heard a voice lament, and I quote “this is the Antichrist murderer," Apb}
13 These have one mind, (the ten nation confederation making up the seventh
head, will all be in agreement respecting their joining the Antichrist because
they don’t have the power to successfully oppose him), and shall give their power and strength unto the
beast. (refers to the Antichrist now coming to
full power and making up the eighth kingdom as described in Verse 11, JSM) {Again we now understand the urgency of the Heavenly Host
having Gabriel to come, to forewarn of these inconceivable ever before, or ever
to be again, both horrible and glorious events of biblical prophecy being now
at hand, Apb}
14 These shall make war with the
Lamb, (has to do with the Antichrist attacking Israel, as is
the battle of Armageddon , Satan hates Israel for many varied reasons, but
above all because of Jesus; so, to attack Israel is to attack the Lamb) and the Lamb shall overcome them: (speaks of the second coming, but also speaks to the fact
Jesus is worthy to administer judgment and justice because of what He did at the Cross); for he
is Lord of lords, and King of kings: () and they that are with him are called, and
chosen, and faithful. (every saint of God that has ever lived both Jews and Gentiles, will come back with Christ at the Second Coming, JSM) {“that you might
be justified when you speak, and be clear when you judge,” Ps. 51:4:b, Apb}
*15 And he (The
Angel) saith unto me, (John) The waters which thou sawest, (refers back to Verse 1 and presents the word “waters,” being
used as a symbolism) where the whore sitteth, (if it’s not Jesus Christ and Him Crucified {I Cor. 1:23;
2:2} then God refers to it as the “Great Whore,”) are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and
tongues. (The covers the entirety of the world, and
tells us that billions have died and gone to hell as a result of following false
religion, JSM) {I remember my children and
nieces and nephews where having this conversation about race, and I just out
right said. Actually, meaning it was Holy Spirit speaking through me, “do you
all know there was a time all mankind spoke in one language? So it make you
wonder, just where was it race came in. They all became silent for a while, as
light (solution) had come, and there Jesus had settled it all once again.
I was watching an episode of the history
channel whereas this scientist point out how despite mankind being all these
various nations, kingdoms, tongues and tribes that two of their genetics are
closer than any two given monkey’s in the jungle. I’ll admit I didn’t rightly know
what this meant, then he said imagine something cataclysmic happen that killed
off all the people on earth. That’s with the exception of those in your neighborhood
and all the earth was replenished just by using them. It’s more scientific proof, that all mankind
descended from one Married Couple, Adam and Eve, fallen from Grace and restored
by a spiritual marriage of the woman seed and the Holy Spirit, where now
laboring together, this Spirit and Bride saith come, join them, to Reign is Our
Son (The Jesus), See Rev. 22:17
My neighborhood is very multicultural,
African American, European American, Asian American, Latino/Mexican America and
Islamic American. Cleverly, just a lot of supposedly good people who want to worship and live the way they want. As so,
just be left alone, not realizing God the Creator of Heaven, Earth and Man,
just can’t do that, He has His own plans for this earth. This is why He has
sacrificed His Own Son, making us His form of Righteousness that through Him, we
can come and live with Elohim where He Abides, you see a Holy God can’t abide on this earth as long
as there’s sin, Jesus now glorified flesh, can.
Though, once Jesus reign here for a
thousand years, and Satan and the final Gog and Magog after the Great White
Throne Judgment are all cast into the lake of fire, by this time the earth
would’ve been made new, the heavens just above too. It is here, John bear
witness of seeing a New Jerusalem, adorn as a bride unto her groom descending
down into the earth, this will be God’s Kingdoms joining us too, a forever
reign with the Sons of Righteous men, according to the bible, from, Genesis to
Revelation, it’s all true, Apb, see, here, www.thesonofman2015.blogspot.com
*16 And the ten horns which thou
sawest upon the beast, (pertains to the
ten nation confederation which will make up the seventh head,) these
shall hate the whore, (at least some,
if not all, of the ten nation confederation will come out of the Middle East;
Islam rules this part of the world, and it is a rule which has all but
destroyed these countries; the implications is the religion of Islam will be
put down by this confederacy, {see Jer. 37:8 1998}), and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall
eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. (This proclaims the
fact that the ten nations under the Antichrist will institute and carry out a
campaign of elimination as it regards the religion of Islam, and in fact, all
other religions in his domain, {see America, Britain, separate them into itty,
bitty pieces, 2004, Apb}. All of these religions will be replaced by “beast worship.”
JSM) {which is why seeing Arab nations in
rule after westernize civilization failed, equals an Islamic rule, since the
bride will be removed around this exact time, I’ve asked what is the
Cataclysmic event that’s to follow the Brides long awaited departure or will
the Bride long prophesied escape be the cataclysmic events that to happen?
I’ve soon realized, this is what the 2001,
white, trimmed in gold, Intrepid Automobile so shiny and new disappearing so
suddenly is to represent, the end of a long, winding, dispensation, leaving the
world of apostasy, beginning with it's abominably whorish leader to a pale horse
type, judgment and Islamic to Antichrist reign, BEWARE! Apb}
17 For God hath put in their hearts
to fulfil his will, (while the ten nations have their own
agenda, God will use it to bring about His Will,) and to agree,
and give their kingdom unto the beast, (the ten
leaders of their nations will give their authority to the “beast,” i.e. “the
Antichrist”) until the words
of God shall be fulfilled. (This will last until the “Great
Tribulation has ended, which will be at the battle of Armageddon in which these
nations will be totally destroyed, {Dan. 2:34-35} JSM) {I’ve testified how I’ve stood with Christ on the mount
of Olivet, just before entering into the battle, first as one kissing his feet,
only to realize, I was one now beside him, now unto Mother Israel's rescue, the air
was so crisp, and cool up there, Apb}
18 And the woman which thou sawest
is that great city, (refers to rebuilt Babylon portrayed in
Rev., chpt. 18), which reigneth over the kings of the earth. (rebuilt Babylon will not only be one of the commercial
centers of the world, but as well the religious center. The Antichrist will
have replaced Islam and other religions with himself the only one being
worshipped. It all began at Babylon, and it will all end there, JSM) {I always wondered why the intrepid dream automobile was
a 2001, when the fulfillment of the judgment wouldn’t be for another 15.10
years, Oct. 2017, now I know this is the actual year America had been judged,
why the attacks of September 11th had been allowed, even Bush war on
the supposedly axis of evil, the cataclysms of 2017, would just be them finally
reaping a blood guiltiness inconceivable, get to repentance, for as in the days
of the prophet Ezekiel, no matter where the people ran, the adamant judgment of God, only proceed them, Apb}
Apostles Note
As it is written in the law of
Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the
LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth.
Dan. 9:13
When Hollande Vows Paris Will Sing More Songs http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/paris-concert-crowd-was-singing-kiss-the-devil-the-moment-terror-attacks-began/
Living In The Midst of Warring Giants 12/09/2015
Why Do The
Heathen Rage: Attention All Sauls Of Taurus, so what is best for the people The
American Dream (Apostate Religion) or Christ’s Millennium Reign? Believe this
Apostle, they are not the same. Truly, are those of the supposedly resistance like Alex Jones whom I truly
respect, as those standing in the dust
and grind. That’s of what’s left of the American Dream, telling us all to be
calm, don’t believe what you’re seeing? While Holy Spirits by faithful watchers
are warning as many as will hear to get out of there, just as it began it’s now
passing away, get ye, collapsing giants are never, ever safe!
So who were they, how were they complied,
those of these unstable, treacherous,
deadly climbs, thought to be getting closer and closer to God, they didn’t need
Jesus, they didn’t need his blood, only by church attendance they now rose
above. How victorious they all were
being so close, mother, fathers, girls and boys, again so close hearing God’s
mighty voice, like it’d been for the ancient foretold, come ye listen right
here for sure “for I (God) shall wipe away all tears
from your eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” That
just as went to touch the purple curtain happily to unveil him, all felled down
screaming horribly to their deaths, having climbed up a converted way instead.
Holy Spirit showed me that America was hand off from the Great whore of
religion at the end of a dinner party, see Rev. 17. Now get this, a loan from the beginning, in
the form of a bedazzling, artificial leopard skin coat. One which
completely distracted all who came in contact with it, all, so much so they
completely lost tract of their Christ's Lord. Unthinkably, before they horribly
realized, He'd snatched out the Bride and was gone.
-The final Seven years of Daniel haven't been
fulfillment because the Bride being here completely prevents it, this is Paul
saying, "only he (The Bride Groom, Bride as one) who now let, will let,
until he be taken out of the way, and then shall that wicked be revealed. The
first of this year, Feb 2015, allowed a look into God's throne, as many
times before, this is what i saw. I saw the Bride, I saw that she was in
possession of a “Stone Made Without Hands,” I saw that this stone had the
surface of a meteor. I both saw and heard, that as she reluctantly released it,
I heard a voice lament and I quote, "this is the antichrist murderer."
I paused at this description, soon realizing this is exactly what he is as so
all being inspired by Satan, see more here, II Thess. 2nd chapter, AWAKE! Apb,
The RAM www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com www.lonelyteardrop15
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